Saturday, July 10, 2010

The case and need for immigration reform

As I discussed in my most recent youtube video ( I believe we are in need of real immigration reform in America. There has to be border security, first and foremost. Next, we need an employment verification system and a tamper-proof I.D. card. We need to crack down on benefits to illegals and stop funding sanctuary cities. Those who are here illegally should get in back of the line and pay a penalty and pay back missed taxes over a period of time. A few years ago, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) proposed "comprehensive reform." While this did secure the border, I feel that a $3,000 fine is not sufficent because U.S. taxpayers are spending more on benefits to illegals and therefore, those here illegally should also pay back missed taxes. Republicans and democrats have failed to secure the border and stop illegal immigration. President Obama and memebers of both parties in congress need to take the steps I mentioned above to get something done. No amnesty, no open-borders, and no special treatment for those here illegally.

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